comparison of 3 dictators
Mao Zedong
During the Cultural Revolution, Mao's already great image created a personality cult that stretched into every part of Chinese life. Mao presented himself as an enemy of landowners, businessmen, and Western and American imperialism, as well as an ally of impoverished peasants, farmers and workers. Mao co-founded the Communist Party of China.
Joseph stalin
Stalin created a cult of personality in the Soviet Union around himself. Under Stalin's rule the Soviet Union was transformed from an agricultural nation into a global superpower, although at the cost of millions of lives. Although born in Georgia, Stalin became a Russian nationalist and significantly promoted Russian history, language, and Russian national heroes
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler's dictatorial rule of Germany, which led to the deaths of millions in World War II, has placed him among history's most hated villains. A decorated veteran of World War I, Adolf Hitler joined the German Workers' Party in 1919, later renaming it the National Socialist German Workers Party (which was shortened to the Nazi Party).
Mao,Stalin,Adolf all are the same in the way that they were dictators but that is where the similarity's pretty much stop each dictator had there own paths they followed to become a memorable dictator.